Founded by Sally Matsuishi and Kenji Treanor, together with The Branson School’s Director of Admissions to serve five first-generation college bound students. Their mission was to help these young people gain admission to and graduate from four-year universities.
Added juniors to the program and expanded the curriculum to include academic classes, a summer SAT prep course, and the Community Uplift program.
Expanded the program to include on-site therapy, a summer academic program, and leadership development training. Received 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
Moved to the E Street “Scholar House” (San Rafael) and programs were made grade-level specific while social service staff were added to accommodate the growing numbers of students and families.
Developed a partnership with Marin Academy allowing the Summer Academy program to expand.
Extended the multi-year aspect of the program by adding the first cohort of 6th graders.
Became a food bank site, added a monthly parent program, and expanded the college rep visiting program to host over 20 schools.
Expanded the partnership with The Branson School, which enabled 25 percent growth in the Summer Academy program.
Hired Jeff Escabar as Executive Director, bringing his 43 years of education and Independent School experience to NGS, including his most recent post as Head of School for an independent Spanish immersion school in San Francisco, as founder Sally Matsuishi moved to an advisory capacity. Added the “Little Scholars” program serving 1st - 5th graders in support of Scholar families.
Developed NGS’ current three-year strategic plan, expanded the Board of Directors and supported 200 scholars.
Hired Nghiem Bui, NGS' first program alum to become its Executive Director, bringing his 10+ years in public and independent school education as a teacher and an administrator, and previously on staff as Director of College and Career Counseling.
Became an official partner of San Rafael City Schools; expanded its summer programming to two sites - The Branson School and Marin Academy